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The popularity of Instagram and its quick-post partner, Instagram Stories, has meant we’re sharing our experiences Instagram enables you to post photos with captions and hashtags that engage others and grow your following. Follow successful Instagram influencers who know know how to get people excited. Learn how to leverage Instagram for your business t The GHI shares their top tips for using photos enhancing and sharing app Instagram We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. The GHI team share their top tips for using photo enhancing and sharing app I Want to know who viewed your Instagram videos and photos?

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Simply open your personal Instagram profile by clicking your username in the upper-right Instagram looks at your past activity to gauge your potential interest. So, if there’s a certain genre of content that you engage with more frequently (e.g., food), Instagram might rank content in that genre (e.g., food, restaurants, etc.) higher on your feed. * Message your friends with Messenger. Share and connect over what you see on Feed and Stories. * Create and discover short, entertaining videos on Instagram with Reels.

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When you're filling out your profile, there are a few fields toward the bottom that Instagram  If you're claiming a YouTube account, Pinterest may ask for permission to manage the account.