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Translation for "PCA" in the free contextual English-Swedish

Patient-controlled analgesia (or PCA) pumps are just one type of pump commonly found in hospital facilities and other healthcare centers. These pumps, which include Alaris PCA pumps, give the patient more control over their pain and can thus facilitate healing and patient wellbeing. Your pump is programmed for PCA (patient-controlled analgesia) delivery and is used for therapies that require a continuous rate of infusion, patient-controlled doses, or both. Your health care provider will instruct you on the proper use of this pump.

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Your health care provider will instruct you on the proper use of this pump. This guide is intended to supplement those instructions. Because Alaris PCA pumps use smart pump technology, there is very little risk of overmedication with these infusion pumps. The pump's computer is programmed to administer only a certain amount of medication during a given period and the locked pump can be opened only by a physician or nurse. The Alaris ™ PCA module integrates a syringe-based patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) device with large volume pump (LVP), syringe and EtCO 2 modules on a single hardware platform. 2021-01-22 · The PCA pump is considered safe to use because only a nurse or other medical professional can change the settings on the pump with a special key. The pumps have safeguards in place that will alert a nurse if a setting is not correct or if something is wrong with the pump.

Leder patientinformation om PCA-pump till effektiv smärtlindring vid

The infusion is programmable by the prescriber. If it is programmed and functioning as intended, the machine is unlikely to deliver an overdose of medication.

Pca pump use

PCA - Smärtlindring med patientkontrollerad Infusionspump

It also works well for people who can’t take medicines by mouth. The patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump is a computerized machine that gives you a drug for pain when you press a button. In most cases, PCA pumps supply opioid pain-controlling drugs such as morphine, fentanyl, and hydromorphone. The pump is attached to a thin, flexible tube (intravenous or I.V. line) that is placed in your vein. PCA pumps are most often used in the hospital after surgery. The pump allows you to give yourself pain medicine after you wake up and as you recover from your operation. The pumps also are used by people who have very bad cancer pain.

Pca pump use

Learn about the Operations and Programming of the CADD-Legacy® PCA Pump. Please see the Instructions for Use for a complete listing of the indications,  Patienter med långvarig eller postoperativ smärta som behöver PCA- pump, får utprovat en individuell behandling. Olika typer av pumpbehandlingar kan  Mäta, Tidsram.
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CPMS should be called if pain relief is inadequate after more than 5 good tries per hour for three hours. Se hela listan på 2021-03-04 · PCA can also help manage long-term pain from conditions such as cancer. Your caregiver may give your child a PCA to use at home to help control his pain. PCA can be used for children as young as 6 or 7. How does PCA work?

The pump allows you to give yourself pain medicine after you wake up and as you recover from your operation. The pumps also are used by people who have very bad cancer pain. These pumps can often be used at home. Some pumps are set to give you a small, constant flow of medicine.
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The nurse will teach you how to use the PCA pump. When pain is first detectable, you press a handheld button, and pain medication is released from the system, through your IV, and into your vein. The medication travels from the pump into the tubing that goes into the needle and then to your vein. Se hela listan på Provide laminated instructions for programming PCA pumps for reference by nurses who may infrequently initiate PCA. Require two clinicians to independently double-check the patient's identification, drug and concentration, PCA pump settings, and the line attachment before use (and before pump refill or programming change). 2019-09-23 · For use with security shells or modifi ed security shell (21-6165) 21-6216: Battery Door for the CADD-Legacy® pumps. 21-6220: Remote Dose Cord for the CADD-Legacy® PCA pumps. 21-6235: Protective Cassette ror use with CADD-Prizm®, CADD-Legacy® and CADD®-Solis pumps; protects pumping mechanism and sensors during shipping and storage.