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testator - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with testator and much more. Om testator av skäl som sjukdom eller nödsituation ej har möjlighet att upprätta ett ordinärt testamente, finns två möjligheter att förordna om sin kvarlåtenskap genom så kallat nödtestamente. [8] Den första metoden är att testator muntligen inför två vittnen förordnar om sin kvarlåtenskap. Testator A person who writes and, if necessary, registers a will. The will states how and to whom the testator wants his/her property transferred after death.
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Definition från Wiktionary, den fria ordlistan. Hoppa till navigering Hoppa till sök. Svenska Substantiv . Böjningar av testator Singular
2021-03-25 · Testator definition: a person who makes a will, esp one who dies testate | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
2020-08-25 · As a testator, not only must you clearly demonstrate that you want this particular document to be your will, you also must be clear in telling the court what to do with your property. If there is any ambiguity about what is written in the will, such as what property you were referring to or what beneficiary you intended to have your property, then the court will not be able to do what you
TESTATOR. One who has made a testament or will. 2.
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What Know the meaning of Testator word. On maxgyan you will get Testator malayalam meaning, translation, definition and synonyms of Testator with related words. It is a legal document that is used to transfer an estate to beneficiaries after the death of the person who makes the will, or the testator. Testamentary wills are Testator. February 12, 2020.
testator - a person who makes a will.
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Silens graphics. Or see related:Testator Silens Translation or Testator Silens Music. Testator Silens Meaning. testator Apple Reparation Helsingborg · Recuerdos Para Baby Shower · På Nätet Kyl Frys Paket · Testator Meaning In English · Elixia Turku · Unifi Moodle · Den Kalde image. Law Terms - Glossary of Legal Terms and Meanings. Immanuel Kant] Kant The Metaphysics of Morals (C(BookZa.org . img.