Ive seen the war thunder forum say that the swedish tech tree is not worth it because lower rating taks are absolutly horrible. All Swedish light and medium tanks up until the Lago 1 feels like br 1.0 if they're stock. I don't want to make this post about the grinding issue though, I just want to point out how messed up some parts of the Swedish tech tree is. So I'm wondering whether Swedish aircraft are any good in War Thunder I've just downloaded the game and I am contemplating whether committing to the Swedish tech-tree is a good idea since I have heard mixed reviews about the low-tier Swedish types. This page was last edited on 17 April 2021, at 12:10. © 2021 Gaijin Network Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Swedish aviation tech tree is here. Play the game and gain access to the Closed Beta test by: Completing daily tasks Purchasing Swedish premium packs The SAAB J21 is a Swedish WWII-era twin-boom pusher configuration fighter aircraft, most famously known for its unique visual appearance. Coming to War Thunder as part of the Swedish aviation tree in update 1.95 “Northern Wind”, all pilots will have the chance to take control of this highly unusual Swedish … The Swedish aviation research tree was released not long ago, and alongside it came two interesting new Swedish ground vehicles. This new research tree is to be released in the near future, either in the very next update or at least in the near future according to a recent official War Thunder live stream. War Thunder Tech Tree, War Thunder Tank Tech Tree, War Thunder German Tanks, War Thunder British Tech Tree, War Thunder American Tech Tree, War Thunder Russian Tech Sweden is one of three nations featured in War Thunder that thus far lacks a naval tree. In this article, we'll be taking a look at what that tech tree might look like and how it would stand out in the crowd.

Pbil m/311.0Rank I Light   War Thunder is a vehicular combat multiplayer video game developed and published by Gaijin well as nations with smaller militaries or less prominence in conflicts, such as Italy, France, China and Sweden. Arcade and realistic bat 16 Mar 2020 The War Thunder Viking Fury Update adds a brand new Swedish Ground tech tree with over thirty vehicles; other nations have received over  29 Dec 2020 War Thunder has expanded again to add in a brand new Swedish Aircraft tech tree, the first Swedish tanks, ten new mixed nation naval units and  31 Jan 2019 As of the current revision the tech tree features 4 lines consisting of medium tanks /MBT's, Light tanks/tank destroyers, tank destroyers/ATM's and  10 Nov 2017 So i've decided that it was time my articles made a return with a new focus on the possibility of building a Swedish tech tree for WT and vehicles  2 Dic 2019 If a Dano-Norwegian tech tree isnt in the works, please add Danish and Norwegian vehicles to the Swedish tech tree. Preferably as free, but as  Climbing the ranks with Swedish tanks - War Thunder Official Channel.

War thunder swedish tech tree

Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting War Thunder: play without a subscription! 22 April 2021 Special: Merkava 24 I hope Swedish tech tree is the last TT for at least 3 years so you can use your time to expand the older tech trees that are still not going anywhere like you know Japan. 2020-03-16 For this purpose, I have put together a suggestion for a Swedish tech tree in War Thunder earlier this year, one which is being continuously updated as new features are being added to the game. The potential vessels presented in this tree stretch from the late 1800s to the 2010s and include some vehicle types that would be oddities to War Thunder, including missile armed vessels and coastal defence ships.

War thunder swedish tech tree

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Thought it was pretty interesting so I  War Thunder Tanks - German & Russian Tech Trees - YouTub . to the first rank V naval vessels and the introduction of the Swedish tech tree for aircraft. Climbing the ranks with Swedish tanks - War Thunder Official Channel.

Do you want the last countrie that can have a own tree (Sweden). Or put in all the countries like the Hungarians, Czechoslovakia, Poland, China that fought during ww2 in one international tree.
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A brand new Swedish Aircraft tech tree, the first Swedish tanks, ten new vessels; Admiral Graf Spee and Prinz Eugen amongst others, two new locations and an upgraded graphical engine with stunning Ray Traced Global Illumination, HDR support and a physical spark system! Do you want the last countrie that can have a own tree (Sweden). Or put in all the countries like the Hungarians, Czechoslovakia, Poland, China that fought during ww2 in one international tree. As the next tree after they have finish world war, naval ships and the Italian tree. What do you think?