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SENS, Sensys Gatso Group, SE0000567729 - Nasdaq

As a innovative Smart City technology company, Sensys Networks provides traffic visionaries and implementers with a comprehensive detection and data platform for virtually all traffic management needs. We Deliver Remote Automation of the Performance and Maintenance of Equipment and Buildings. With our roots in electronics design and manufacture since the 1970s, SenSys draws on highly skilled and At the time of writing, our data says that Sensys Gatso Group AB (publ) has a market cap of kr939m, and reported total annual CEO compensation of kr4.5m for the year to December 2018. 09.00 Erik Penser Bank inleder09.15 Bilia10.05 Sensys Gatso10.55 Veoneer11.35 Paus12.05 Inzile12.55 GreenMobility13.45 SFVF14.35 Mekonomen15.25 Garo16.10 Eri Making traffic safer March 20 at 6:47 AM · Sensys Consulting AB,559073-6046 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Sensys Consulting AB Sensys Consulting AB har 2 anställda och gjorde ett resultat på 1 103 KSEK med omsättning 3 838 KSEK under 2020. Bolaget hade då en omsättningstillväxt på -11,2 %.

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Key Search: AZELIO AB, 50, 60, 50. B3, SEK, B3 CONSULTING GROUP AB, 100, 100, 100. BACTI. AB, 100, 100, 100. SENS, SEK, SENSYS GATSO GROUP AB, 100, 100, 100.

Sensys Gatso Archives -

tillverkning (Optronic Partner pr AB) och utveckling (Optronic Partner dp AB). Sensys Gatso mottar order 60 miljoner kronor Den svenska  Johan Westman · Eurocon Consulting Ab, 2014-08-29, Övriga med insyn, Ökade innehav, aktie, 10 000 (1 210 000 ). Christer Svanholm · Eurocon Consulting  Koncernen består av Indentive AB samt de helägda dotterbolagen Indentive senaste fem åren: Styrelseordförande i EKAPAIF AB, Sensys Gatso Group AB, InPro- är, via Jens Gabrielsson Consulting AB, aktieägare i Connova Holding AB  Experience Rote Consulting AB May 2002 - Present Sensys Traffic AB December 2014 - Present Architect SharePoint Solutions at Badviken Consulting AB Margin Requirements for Exceptional Sweden Securities.

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Sensys Gatso Group Industrial Goods and Services

Sensys Consultings vinstmarginal låg vid senaste årsbokslutet på 36,8 % vilket ger Sensys Consulting placeringen 83 625 i Sverige av totalt 646 549 aktiebolag. About Sensys Gatso Group AB. Sensys Gatso Group AB, formerly Sensys Traffic AB, is a Sweden-based company that develops, markets and sells traffic safety and traffic informatics systems to police Sensys Traffic AB signs three-party agreement in Oman; Sensys Traffic AB obtains an order from China worth SEK 1 million; Sensys Traffic certified to ISO 9001; Sensys Traffic AB receives US order worth SEK 2.7 million; The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Sensys Traffic AB has been held in Jönköping Want to participate in a short research study? Help shape the future of investing tools and you could win a $250 gift card! Today we'll look at Sensys Gatso Group AB (publ) (STO:SENS) and reflect Sensys Consulting AB. 2016 to present · Halmstad, Sweden. Larsgårdens Kennel, Jim's Betong, Anno2020 -Helena, M and A Consulting AB, Rexal uterum & räcken, A look at the shareholders of Sensys Gatso Group AB (publ) can tell us which group is most powerful. Insiders often own a large chunk of younger, smaller, companies while huge companies tend to Notification of intention to attend the Annual General Meeting must be made in writing to Sensys Traffic AB, Box 2174, 550 02 Jönköping, Sweden or by telephone at +46 (0)36 34 29 80 or by fax at +46 (0)36 12 56 99 or via e-mail to

Sensys consulting ab

Sensys Gatso Group komplett bolagsfakta & börsnyheter från Analysguiden. Prenumerera Sensys Gatso Group AB: Sensys Gatso Australia erhåller order för  Bakgrund: Har tidigare arbetat som finansdirektör för Sensys Gatso Group Har tidigare innehaft olika chefsbefattningar inom Ericsson AB, bland annat i Singapore Egen företagare Hofstedt Management & Consulting 2011, CIO Scandic  Destro Management BV ska betala en sanktionsavgift på 25 000 kronor på grund av felaktigheter i en anmälan om förvärv av aktier i Sensys Gatso Group AB till  Opening price, 1.32, Market, Nasdaq Stockholm, 6 month, -13.78. Vol. 1,258,748, ICB Code, 1010, Year Change, 24.51. No. of trades, 237, Sector, Technology  28 sep. 2017 — AB (publ) ingår i, eller ett dotterbolag till Sensys Gatso Group AB (publ).
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Aktiekapitalet är 50 000 kr.

På Ratsit hittar du Telefonnummer Adress Årsredovisning m.m. Alltid uppdaterat. Sensys Consulting AB,559073-6046 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, styrelse, Status Sensys Consulting AB (559073-6046).
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SENS, Sensys Gatso Group, SE0000567729 - Nasdaq

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