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Plenary Insights – January 2021
2020 — de flesta bestämmelserna att träda i kraft i januari 2021. Eurobarometer, juni 2020). GRECO Fifth Evaluation Round – Evaluation Report. 27 dec.
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av LS Oláh · 1998 · Citerat av 21 — Kempeneers, Marianne and Eva Lelievre (1991) Eurobarometer 34. Perspective of European Integration', Stockholm Research Reports in Demography, No. World Values Survey (WVS) har sedan 1981 regelbundet mätt värderingar av EU-kommissionen gör opinionsinstitutet Eurobarometer varje halvår B15. Är det lätt att träffa svenskar? Ja. 2731. 50 %. Nej. 2021.
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2023. 14,0.
Description. This survey shows that a large majority of EU citizens in all EU Member States regard protecting the environment as important to them personally, while more than half of Europeans think it is very important. Over three-quarters of respondents agree that environmental issues have a direct effect on their daily life and health, and more 2020-03-04 · According to a new Eurobarometer survey, 94% of citizens in all EU Member States say that protecting the environment is important to them. In addition, 91% of citizens stated that climate change is a serious problem in the EU. European legislation is necessary to protect the environment, according to 83% of those surveyed. DGs CLIMA and ENER have published new Eurobarometer surveys showing strong public support for EU climate and energy policies. The surveys asked citizens from all EU Member States a variety of questions on current climate and energy policies and their wishes for future European action.
1 jan. 2021 — Summary. This report is a complementary report to an earlier report in 2015 on a na- 2021 vilket således förutsätter att regeringen skickar Boverkets förslag på 145 TNS Political & Social (2013), Flash Eurobarometer 367. Eurobarometer 2019: Food safety in the EU Enligt Världshälsoorganisationens rapport Malaria Report 2018 dör över 400 000 människor varje år till följd av
Conference Report: The 4th ICTs and Society Conference: Critique, Democracy and inom Europa; Förtroende för olika medier från EU-kommissionens Eurobarometer 2021-03-05 Last updated: 2021-04-07Bibliographically approved
av E Wihlborg · 2020 — flesta revideringar börjar gälla den 1 mars 2021. För tvättmaskiner så att reparera produkten (Flash Eurobarometer, 2014; WARP, 2011; Tecchio et.
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The Parlemeter is an annual Eurobarometer survey commissioned by the European Parliament in all EU Member States since 2007.
Manuscripts Other Reports Europeans and biotechnology in 2002 - Eurobarometer 58.0 : A report to the EC Directorate
19th General Activity Report (2018) – Anti-corruption trends, challenges and good practices in Europe Special Eurobarometer 470 Report – Corruption (2017) (2021) · Nordic Business Ethics Network, Nordic Business Ethics Survey 2020. Ny Eurobarometer om semesterresor.
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tydligt i Eurobarometer 449.