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Feb 15, 2016 Mark Schurtman is an experienced digital analyst & digital strategist with a proven track record of helping businesses distill digital marketing Jun 26, 2019 At the June 24th meeting, the DeSoto ISD Board of Trustees approved the hire of Joshua Newton as the Senior Data Strategist. Mar 21, 2018 Even if your marketing data strategists understand your organization's goals and KPIs (key performance indicators), they'll still want to analyze May 3, 2019 as a Principal Data Strategist. Mr. Laney, formerly a Vice President and Distinguished Analyst with Gartner's Chief Data Officer advisory team, Feb 6, 2021 Location: Hyde Park Campus. Job Description: Develop and/or refine systems and processes for data aggregation, analysis and presentation Analytics Strategy consultant focused on creating analytical data-driven organizations with a focus on data science.