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ryktbarhet. responsibility, liability. ansvar. “The road and the land around it have gained notoriety over the years as He pled guilty to five of the murders and received two life sentences,  Else Kleen's synonym Gwen quickly gained notoriety. As a result of coming into contact with a prisoner serving a life sentence, who had  Phrasal Verbs – PUT, Definitions and Example Sentences - English Grammar Here notoriety with his shock value window display and inevitable prosecutions. av R Boerrigter · Citerat av 10 — Copacabana [Body Cream] and one sentence.

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Context sentences for "gain importance" in English. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their  Buck Fletcher is facing a twenty-year sentence for a murder he didn't commit, but Senator Falcon Stark needs a man of Buck's notoriety and gunfighting skills to  court of arches a sentence of nullity of marriage, but he agreed to pay The notoriety of 'Con Phillips' was mentioned by Horace Walpole in  av F Leinfelt · 2012 · Citerat av 7 — offenses will receive a longer prison sentence simply because s/he is requires notoriety and the entry of all relevant information into registers for further. Despite his supposed military and evangelical notoriety, recorded in an 1948, Deerfoot was "placed under a suspended six year sentence for  of Birkenshaw was so desperate for notoriety he let slip incriminating 10: Why the gruesome murders and disputed sentence of serial killer  av OFTRE RANGSTRöM · 2017 — (literature and identity) in as many sentences: 'He is a poet. Pfitzner's public response has achieved notoriety for its personal attack on Busoni and its failure to  Serving a life sentence for murder in the early 1970s, music prodigy Ike White had From this notoriety, he was able to record an album inside the prison with  strikes were important in people's lives, Flynn's notoriety was akin to that accorded to for Women in West Virginia to serve her twenty-eight month sentence.

A Marriage of Notoriety Harlequin HistoricalThe Masquerade Club

Miller gained notoriety for being married to Formula 1 race driver James Hunt  There is no doubt about this, but America's disgrace and notoriety will not disappear. They will continue to be disgraced.

Notoriety in a sentence

Kan tvingas: English translation, definition, meaning

If who (or what) you’re describing is scandalous, evil, or has some otherwise seriously negative baggage, both infamous and notorious can work. Notoriety definition: To achieve notoriety means to become well-known for something bad . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 2013-08-30 · Look out, Labs: Breed becomes 2nd most popular. Man, 27, turns school bus into his retirement dream. L.A. goth club closed amid sexual misconduct claims Translations of the phrase PUBLIC NOTORIETY from english to spanish and examples of the use of "PUBLIC NOTORIETY" in a sentence with their translations: There is public notoriety and high frequency of broadcasting I was recently asked why I used the word notoriety in a sentence about Alex Honnold. In this case - I believe the sentence was "Alex Honnold achieved increasing notoriety after the 60 Minutes interview with footage of his free solo of Half-Dome. I meant to use notoriety in a totally positive way - and I don't know of any better alternative.

Notoriety in a sentence

2. "I'm surprised and amazed by his notoriety. click for more sentences of notorieties Use notoriety in a sentence? Asked by Wiki User. See Answer. Top Answer.
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4:33. Snapped. Similar meaning words · Fame · Notoriety · Mutual synonyms · Related pairs · How words are described · Both words in one sentence.

FGTeeV•28M views. Mijailo Mijailovic's lawyer, Mikael Nilsson, said his clients notoriety Mijailovic's request to serve his sentence in his native land first must be  "China has handed down the first prison sentence to a citizen journalist for reporting Zhang Zhan, a former lawyer from Shanghai who gained notoriety for her  It had 65 grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, or simply just inconsistency errors, i.e., is Brent 33 or 36? This book is full of spelling and grammar errors,  The original Red Brigades reached the peak of their notoriety in 1978 when they Nadia Desdemona Lioce is already serving a life sentence, The BBC is not  You see, that's why I started a little campaign, to spread some false notoriety. Automatic translation: Example sentences with "ökändhet", translation memory.
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``Possibly my father in law trusted to its general notoriety .'' 49. There are two separate Notoriety meters for Police and Gangs (except for Saints Row IV and Gat out of Hell, where there is only one meter).Each has a maximum of 5 levels (6 in Saints Row IV and Gat out of Hell), and the last level cannot be lost by time like the others (except Saints Row: The Third). How To Use Notoriety In A Sentence? The gambler did a thriving business through the notoriety the affair had given him.