Pushbutton-Configurator - Eaton.eu
Remote Power Switch & Auto Reboot, 2DI, 2DO - Direktronik
Two un-switched outlets. Hardwired Ethernet and/or WiFi. Multiple power-up recovery modes for safety and flexibility: timed sequential on all-off last state, custom timed sequence, etc. Low power - less than 4 watts. New design heavy duty power supply and detachable power cord included. WebSwitch has two power outlets which can be independently controlled over an IP network using a web browser on a computer or smartphone.
If you are using DHCP, it’s easiest to temporarily disable it while confi guring the switch. Select Internet Protocall TCP/IP V4 Properties and click Properties. Enter a compatible static IP such as this: Web Power Switch 7 www.digital-loggers.com A Remote Power Switch device that can be activated over the internet to power your computer on or off. Excellent for web servers, BBS's and on the road travellers.
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Web Power Switch Boot up About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features © 2020 Google LLC Web Power Switch Pro Model Rugged, reliable power control over the web. Industrial quality, 15A Secure web server with SSL, SSH, HTTPS, SNMP, REST API, MODBUS Amazon Echo/Alexis compatible Simple web UI, or write your own script or program AutoPing feature to reliably reboot routers or APs iBoot Web Power Switch Pays for itself with the first service call saved!
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Schedule power on/off and initiate WOL (Wake on Lan) with our Tier 2 Software installed. iBoot Web Power Switch – dep. Pays for itself with the first service call saved! Why waste time and money racing around to do no more than push that big red button. With iBoot ®, you can control power and get automatic reboot ANYTIME – ANYWHERE. Don’t let a crashed system ruin your day. Save Time, Money and Reputation with iBoot.
Be sure to read up on all the features of the iBoot-G2S Including: • Web Based setup and control with mobile browser support.
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Telephone and Web based units available.
• Easy to use. Easy to set up. Clean web interface.
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With iBoot ®, you can control power and get automatic reboot ANYTIME – ANYWHERE. Don’t let a crashed system ruin your day. Save Time, Money and Reputation with iBoot. Since 1990 RemotePowerSwitch.com has been home of advanced remote power switch devices. Our Remote Power Control units are accessible by web, telephone, WI-FI or your local IP Network to control the power settings of your attached device. Users manuals, quick-start guides, and other detailed documentation for ControlByWeb's X-332 Web-Enabled I/O module. (435) 750-5999.