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2020-11-13. Capital Markets Day 2020. 2020-10-19. Interim Management Statement January-September 2020. 2020-07-17. Interim Report January-June 2020. 2020-04-22.

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Average organic growth of 5 per cent per year over a business cycle. Average operating margin (EBIT) of at least 10 per cent per year over a business cycle. Saab investor relations contain information about the Saab stock and financial information. It is Saab Group’s policy that in order to meet business requirements the Group should always have free cash together with unutilized committed credit facilities on an amount of at least 4 Bn SEK, adjusted for loans with maturity within 12 months.

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Through board participation, as well as industrial experience, our network and financial strength, we work continuously to support our companies to remain or become best-in-class. Erik Penser Bank AB, e-mail, telephone +46 8 463 83 00, is the Certified Adviser. ABOUT SAAB Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions within military defence and civil security.

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Investor relations — Nyfosa

Markets. Saab Global. If you want to get in touch, do not hesitate to contact us. Merton Kaplan. Head of Investor Relations.

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Prior to the transaction, Investor owns 4,207,123 A-shares and 17,404,802 Saab Annual Report, Annual Report 2008, Årsrapport 2008, Saab, Rapport, Årsredovisning 2008 2021-01-21 · Head of Investor Relations Email. Phone (direct): +46 70 782 63 74 The Sandvik AB Annual Report 2020 is from today available at our website https: Investor relations Annual and Sustainability Report 2020 Swedbank's sustainability work is a central part of our operations, which is why the sustainability report is integrated into our annual report. Saab Solutions. Find out more about our product range and visit our regional sites here. Investor.
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Investor i korthet. Investor, som grundades av familjen Wallenberg 1916, är en engagerad ägare av högkvalitativa globala företag. Vi har ett långsiktigt investeringsperspektiv.

We continue to strengthen our presence in key markets, develop innovative solutions and acquire companies in prioritized areas. Saabs products are sold to over 100 countries and we currently operates in over 30 countries. Markets.
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Saab publishes its Annual and Sustainability Report 2020

Our ambition is to be a professional, transparent and a trustworthy company. Investor relations.