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Hamed Kanani. Nazanin Ratcliffe. Mohsen Cham. Yousef Karimi. Atefeh Nabavi.

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Three other prisoners of conscience – Morteza Moradpour, Vaheed Sayyadi and Rasoul Razavi – are also on hunger strike demanding their freedom. TAKE ACTION: DEMAND IRAN RELEASES THEM ALL NOW. The Iranian authorities must immediately release these prisoners of conscience. Political prisoners in Iran on life-threatening hunger strikes 2016/12/27 15:51 Kurdistan24 ©Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved 7,278 Followers, 600 Following, 43 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 🅽🆄🆁🆂🅴 (@moradpour_morteza) HRANA News Agency - Morteza Moradpour, political prisoner, who had been released recently from prison, after 65 days of hunger strike was arrested by the Revolutionary Guards’ Intelligence agents from A’shoura headquarters of East Azerbaijan province in Tabriz, and was taken to an unknown location. Morteza Moradpour från Helsingborg (Skåne län) Morteza Moradpour tidigare från Helsingborg i Skåne län har gått på följande skola: från 1985 till 1994 Gustav Adolfsskolan med Joanna Byczynska och andra elever.

På krafman.se hittar du information om Moradpour Jirandeh

Han fyller 43 år den 22 juli. Hans lägenhet är värderad till ca 1 390 000 kr. Moradpour, who wrote for Yazligh, a children’s magazine, was serving a three-year prison term on charges of “propagating against the Islamic Republic of Iran,” “mutiny,” and “illegal congregation,” according to the Committee of Human Rights Reporters. He was being held in Tabriz Central Prison.

Morteza moradpour

Morteza Moradpour Jirandeh Helsingborg, 42 år - Merinfo.se

Atefeh Nabavi. Ali Mavat Född 7 april, 1986 - Akram är gift och skriven i bostadsrätt på Skaragatan 55 lgh 1202. Morteza Moradpour Jirandeh är även skriven här. Akram har inga bolagsengagemang. På Ratsit hittar du senast uppdaterade Telefonnummer Adresser Personnummer Inkomster och mycket mer för alla personer i … On November 24, 2009, brothers Fardin and Morteza Muradpour were sentenced to 6 years and 3 years respectively, having been charged with "propaganda against the regime" and "threatening national security." Fardin Moradpour was additionally charged with "possession of explosives" for having fireworks in his pocket at the time of arrest.

Morteza moradpour

Han fyller 43 år den 22 juli.
Aktuell hållbarhet direkt

They were demanding their ethnic rights including the MORTEZA MORADPOUR: More than 50 Days on Hunger Strike Morteza Moradpour has lost more than 50 pounds after refusing food at Tabriz Prison since October 25, 2016, a source told the Campaign.

9. Cisgenesis and Intragenesis as New Strategies for Crop Improvement Mahdi Moradpour, Siti Nor Akmar Abdullah. 10. Morteza Moradpour.
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Morteza Moradpour Jirandeh, Skaragatan 55, Helsingborg

Morteza and his brother Fardin Moradpour as well as several other Azerbaijani activists were arrested in 2009 for taking part in a rally. They were demanding their ethnic rights including the right to education in one’s own language.